It’s weird to think I started this project around Christmas/New Year’s, and now here I am again getting close to that time. The tree went up this week, as did ornaments, and I feel like I may have been able to do something a bit neater with lights on a tree, but I wanted to highlight this specific one.
Category Archives: Lighting
Week 49 – Compy 386x!
I feel like I turned what could have been a fairly vanilla photo of my computer’s innards into something fancy with the addition of my Doctor Who screwdriver. I turned it on (thus creating a blue light) and stuck it inside the machine. Color and fun!
Week 36 – Tonight, that dream dies
This is not the most well-exposed photo of the night, or the most well-focused, and it needed a lot of work in RAW. However, I like it because it seems to have a little bit of that something different, that heart, that a generic photo might not have. I did get some more generic, easy pictures at the Cagle wedding, but this one might be my favorite because it was hard. I suppose you could add in a marriage analogy there somewhere, but I’ll try not to cheapen it that way. This is just two elated people enjoying the night.
Week 34 – Ready for Blast-off
Shawna is all ready to go and be a real grown-up with her teaching job! At this point, we’re still not 100% sure which grade she’ll be teaching, but no matter which one, I’m sure she’ll do fantastic. I’d like to watch her teach kids in the classroom, but we’re pretty sure that’s illegal or something. In any case, you can see the theme– the world and exploration!
I threw together a weird setup for this photo. I had the flash on-camera (my off-camera trigger is broken) and I pointed at the ceiling, but put a big piece of cardboard in between Shawna and the flash so no light would hit her directly from it. I’m not sure if it really had any effect.
Week 33 – Rocking Out
Playing Rock Band is a great use of time among our friends. We have been known to ace the majority of Foo Fighters’ catalog at times.
I am not super-pleased with this picture (lots of un-useful empty space) but the action contained therein is better than anything else I ended up with, so I figured it’ll make it for Photo Of The Week.
Week 28 – Fireworks
This past week (on the 4th of July) my best friend decided she would like to spend the rest of her life with me. I was pretty happy about it. Shawna was crying, but they were happy tears, so it’s all good.
I’m arguing this is my photo of the week because I was an active participant, even though I didn’t take it. Plus, I was proposing, so that. If you really want to see a photo that I took this week, check here: the Fourth of July parade includes many special dignitaries.
Fogg took this image. Considering that he had half a second to get in place and shoot, I think it turned out really exceptional.
Week 27 – Because They Are Hard
This past week (Saturday, actually) I was able to go to NASA with Shawna and her family. It was fun, as always, because I enjoy space exploration. Hopefully one day far off in the future I can get real photos from the moon, but until then, photos of fancy dioramas will have to do.
Week 26 – Visitors from Another Planet
I co-ran a photo booth at last week’s VBS carnival at Crossroads. At one point, I was able to run around and take some pictures of various rides and attractions… I was able to get this shot, which I’m pretty happy with. Just a slightly longish exposure, nothing fancy.
Week 10 – I’m 24 years old
I turned 24 this week, so I felt I should take a photo that really encompassed “me.” So I stacked LEGO dinosaurs on top of each other and used a flash to make them well-lit. That’s about all I have to say about that.
Week 9 – Past Times
My family has just returned to Texas from Alaska (a long way!) and so it certainly seemed fitting to celebrate that with an image of one of my best subjects: Luke. This picture itself isn’t too interesting (cool LED light on Luke’s face, nice framing of the stuffed salmon!) which I might want to blame on the fact that I now have a gimped camera, but I just really put it off to the last minute. But the blog-like spirit this photo holds (return of the Joneses) is nice enough that I’m happy, if not ecstatic, with it.