Category Archives: Fifty-Two

Week 19 – That’s no moon

The moon "rises" "over" the waterway on Saturday night.

This is exactly how the moon rose over the Waterway by the mall on Saturday night. There was no image compositing involved.  Just trust me. I managed to expose it properly and get the moon looking nice with everything in the foreground. I promise.

Week 18 – Quackers and cheese

A duck bobs on Lake Woodlands.

I didn’t get any outstanding photos this week– I didn’t put enough thought into taking pictures over the past 7 days. So I took some pictures of critters at Northshore. Duck pictures are a dime a dozen, but I picked this one out of a big batch and I like the composition. Hopefully next week will end up with a more unorthodox photo.

Week 17 – Good Weather = Good Times

Stephen jumps and grabs a frisbee between his legs while playing ultimate.

I played ultimate on Saturday and only took a few pictures, so I didn’t get anything spectacular. I think this one is funny, though.

I’m not sure if this photo is posed or not. I took two like this– one, Stephen posed, then another, it actually happened. I’ll just be blissful in my ignorance on this one.

Week 16 – Blue, Like Jazz

The Goose's Acre casts a glow out onto The Waterway in The Woodlands.

I went to see Blue Like Jazz on Friday, so I felt like getting some cool, Van Gogh-esque shot of stars and lights and sky. That more or less failed.

However, I did get this shot of The Goose’s Acre that I enjoy enough. And a pub seems to go along with my hoped-for Blue Like Jazz theme.

Week 15 – All Things Made New

Children gather around a lamb held by one of the members of Crossroads Baptist Church on Good Friday.

This picture basically looks like something you’d see on the wall of a Sunday School classroom. That’s what I was going for, so… success!

Crossroads had a big focus on Jesus being the lamb on Good Friday, so they brought in some animals and suburban kids got to see what they’re really like.

Week 14 – Spring Flowers

Shawna admires bluebonnets at Spring Forest park.

It was a nice day, and all sorts of flowers are growing now, so Shawna and I figured we’d go get some pictures of the bluebonnets we’d heard about. They smelled good.

I tried some artsy photos.

I also tried some silly ones.

But for this week’s “Official Photo,” a plain ole portrait worked. I used the fill flash on that one, but I’m not sure it showed. It was glaringly bright, so there were going to be shadows no matter what. Still, not many ways to mess up a picture of a girl sitting in some flowers.

Week 13 – An Oklahoma Wedding

Karig and some of his groomsmen sing about friends in low places.

I got to go to Shawna’s brother’s wedding this weekend, which was fun, and (as most weddings do) presented lots of opportunities for good photos. It was dark as a womb in the reception hall, and my flash wasn’t recycling quite as often as I would like, but I did manage to catch this shot which I really dig. It’s not super-sharp and the noise is crazy, but I feel like it’s of “newsprint quality,” which is what I’ve shot for most of my photographic life. A quick black-and-white conversion fixed any other problems — those lit-up trees in the corner were an issue, but I couldn’t crop them out in a 2×3 ration and still keep the rest of the photo that I liked.

All things said, I’d say this photo became successful in post. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Week 12 – Laser Bowling

Colin bowls (a strike?) at Main Event in The Woodlands.

I know I asked for suggestions for this week, and outdoorsy stuff was suggested, but this photo was too good to pass up. I even got a picture of a squirrel! But small woodland creatures will have to wait until another week. Even though I’ve already posted a picture of Colin, I was impressed enough that I managed to get something useable when the bowling rink turned on its flashy lights that I threw it up here.

And is the focal point his head? If so, we’ll call that intentional.

Week 11 – Aiming for the sky

Stephen works on one of the boosters for a gigantic LEGO space shuttle.

It’s true, two LEGO photos in a row. I’ve been having trouble finding new and exciting things to take photos of, and it’s difficult to keep my camera with me at all times. But I will continue to try to keep this thing going! Maybe folks can give me opinions on what I should try to shoot this next week?

On the side, even though the subject matter is old, I do like this shot.