Week 13 – An Oklahoma Wedding

Karig and some of his groomsmen sing about friends in low places.

I got to go to Shawna’s brother’s wedding this weekend, which was fun, and (as most weddings do) presented lots of opportunities for good photos. It was dark as a womb in the reception hall, and my flash wasn’t recycling quite as often as I would like, but I did manage to catch this shot which I really dig. It’s not super-sharp and the noise is crazy, but I feel like it’s of “newsprint quality,” which is what I’ve shot for most of my photographic life. A quick black-and-white conversion fixed any other problems — those lit-up trees in the corner were an issue, but I couldn’t crop them out in a 2×3 ration and still keep the rest of the photo that I liked.

All things said, I’d say this photo became successful in post. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

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