Tag Archives: animal

Week 40 – Procrastination

Luke's hamster tries to escape.

You could say that this is some introspective photograph wherein the hamster represents humanity, struggling to escape some sort of cage which provides all that it needs, yet still restrains.

Or you could say that I didn’t take this picture until just under the wire, and it’s the product of my procrastination. One of the two.

Week 32 – A New Character Has Appeared

My family's new dog, Maisey, licks her lips after being fed a treat.

My family got a new pet dog recently, so it was only a matter of time until she showed up in a photo of the week. She’s a very interesting dog– she doesn’t lick people at all, like most other dogs tend to. She just sniffs and keeps on moving. This is a rare glimpse of her tongue that is almost never seen. Preferably, the focus would have been on her eyes, but I feel it work as a wide-angled pet shot regardless.

Week 20 – The Wild World of the Driveway

A tiny ant crawls across Chris' driveway.

In a somewhat last-ditch attempt for a photo this week, I surprised myself by getting a photo I am quite pleased with. I went and sat on the driveway with my poor man’s macro setup– one lens on regular, and then another lens focused to infinity turned around and held onto the front element of theĀ attachedĀ one. Not the best or most controllable macro, and obviously there’s lots of issues with vignetting, but it is a technique that can produce usable images. It helps if your subject is less than active. I think this ant was alive, but not feeling too hot and wasn’t long for the world.

Week 18 – Quackers and cheese

A duck bobs on Lake Woodlands.

I didn’t get any outstanding photos this week– I didn’t put enough thought into taking pictures over the past 7 days. So I took some pictures of critters at Northshore. Duck pictures are a dime a dozen, but I picked this one out of a big batch and I like the composition. Hopefully next week will end up with a more unorthodox photo.

Week 15 – All Things Made New

Children gather around a lamb held by one of the members of Crossroads Baptist Church on Good Friday.

This picture basically looks like something you’d see on the wall of a Sunday School classroom. That’s what I was going for, so… success!

Crossroads had a big focus on Jesus being the lamb on Good Friday, so they brought in some animals and suburban kids got to see what they’re really like.