Tag Archives: ball

Week 43 – Ferocious Football

Chris drives towards the goal at a soccer game on Friday night.

I got to go watch a soccer game on Friday with friends! Our team was the only one with its own media cohort– namely, me and Fogg. I shot behind the net for a while, and got this gem. Overall, the photography wasn’t something I’d be happy to turn in to a newspaper, but it was enough for my forty-third photo of the week.

Week 41 – Ten Strike Kickball

David Philpot kicks the ball while playing kickball on Saturday afternoon.

I really enjoy shooting sports, but while shooting for a real team, it’s hard to often get anything but the far-away telephoto shots. That’s why when I have the opportunity to shoot just a few friends playing a pickup game of something, I take full advantage of the opportunity to “get all up in there” and go wide-angle. I would have liked to be even closer for this shot, to be honest, but the ball in frame and posing is probably my favorite that I took of this type while at the game.

Week 37 – A Respite from Summer

Stephen goes up for some sort of spike-like action while playing Volleyball at North Shore park on Friday.

The oppressive heat of summer let up for the weekend, which allowed outdoor activities to flourish and take root, which was fun from a take-pictures-of-stuff point of view! There was a group of LARPers playing at North Shore as well, and I took some photos, but on account of them all being high schoolers I don’t know, I figured the smart decision would be to not post those. So we are left with a wide-angle volleyball picture which is ok, but I feel could have been better somehow.