Tag Archives: band

Week 33 – Rocking Out

Fogg lets the music move him as he and others play Rock Band III.

Playing Rock Band is a great use of time among our friends. We have been known to ace the majority of Foo Fighters’ catalog at times.

I am not super-pleased with this picture (lots of un-useful empty space) but the action contained therein is better than anything else I ended up with, so I figured it’ll make it for Photo Of The Week.

Week 8 – School of Worship

The lead vocalist from the band "School of Worship" leads the singing for RUSH weekend in the student building.

This weekend was enjoyable, because it was our church’s yearly disciple now (what we call RUSH). I got to be a leader, and that was well and good, but I knew I would have a chance to get some decent photos. So I brought my camera! Alas, as I pulled it out of my bag, I realized that the main shutter had almost all gone– it didn’t have any soft touch response. Troublesome, but I still had the battery grip, and I was able to get this shot that I like of the leader singer belting it out.