Tag Archives: church

Week 42 – Moonlit Nights

Crossroads Baptist Church stays lit on a Sunday night.

This photo may seem to have something in common with another photo taken previously this year. It very well may… but the previous photo was taken using a car for a tripod. This one was taken using a tripod. Note the shadows on the building. Try not to note the ridiculous blue aberration by the windows. I’ve certainly decided to ignore it.

Week 35 – Tuesday Night Times

Melissa Booth paints the cheek of a girl at the TNT back-to-school event on Tuesday night at Tamina.

I’ve been working at Tamina on Tuesday nights for a while now (most of the year, I think) but have never taken pictures there. Well, with this big back-to-school bash, the opportunity presented itself, so I brought my camera and got some shots off! There were lots of kids, and we listed to some preaching and ate food– a southern church kind of thing. I was happy with this photo of Melissa, but the lady in the back had a distracting turquoise shirt, so I made it black-and-white. For original color, go here.

Week 26 – Visitors from Another Planet

A carousel twirls at twilight for a VBS carnival at Crossroads Baptist Church.

I co-ran a photo booth at last week’s VBS carnival at Crossroads. At one point, I was able to run around and take some pictures of various rides and attractions… I was able to get this shot, which I’m pretty happy with. Just a slightly longish exposure, nothing fancy.

Week 8 – School of Worship

The lead vocalist from the band "School of Worship" leads the singing for RUSH weekend in the student building.

This weekend was enjoyable, because it was our church’s yearly disciple now (what we call RUSH). I got to be a leader, and that was well and good, but I knew I would have a chance to get some decent photos. So I brought my camera! Alas, as I pulled it out of my bag, I realized that the main shutter had almost all gone– it didn’t have any soft touch response. Troublesome, but I still had the battery grip, and I was able to get this shot that I like of the leader singer belting it out.

Week 5 – Church at Night

Crossroads Baptist Church at night whilst a car drives by.

I have begun once again to run slides at church. For that reason, I was there late on Wednesday night this week. It seemed a good a time as any to get a nice long exposure of the building. Car driving by while the shutter was open? Merely a bonus. I’m torn on whether or not it’s too distracting, but then again, I have that giant lens flare going on as well, so distractions aren’t really what I’m worrying about for this one.

Week 4 – Chili Night

Nathan Lewis pours some chili into a cup. He was a judge for the chili contest that the Young Singles / Crossties held.

I sort of / kind of shot an event this last week. My sunday school class of “young singles” had a chili night with the older folks at our church– the 55+ crowd. It was a lot of fun. I didn’t get any great standout shots, though. I guess I’m kind of pleased with this one, but I feel I could have made it more interesting somehow.  I’m also not sure that having the focal point on the ladle instead of his face was wise, but it was a quick decision to make.