Tag Archives: fireworks

Week 36 – Tonight, that dream dies

Andrew and Chandler prepare to go off and have adventures together under a sea of sparklers.

This is not the most well-exposed photo of the night, or the most well-focused, and it needed a lot of work in RAW. However, I like it because it seems to have a little bit of that something different, that heart, that a generic photo might not have. I did get some more generic, easy pictures at the Cagle wedding, but this one might be my favorite because it was hard. I suppose you could add in a marriage analogy there somewhere, but I’ll try not to cheapen it that way. This is just two elated people enjoying the night.

Week 28 – Fireworks

This past week (on the 4th of July) my best friend decided she would like to spend the rest of her life with me. I was pretty happy about it. Shawna was crying, but they were happy tears, so it’s all good.

I’m arguing this is my photo of the week because I was an active participant, even though I didn’t take it. Plus, I was proposing, so that. If you really want to see a photo that I took this week, check here: the Fourth of July parade includes many special dignitaries.

Fogg took this image. Considering that he had half a second to get in place and shoot, I think it turned out really exceptional.