Tag Archives: flowers

Week 14 – Spring Flowers

Shawna admires bluebonnets at Spring Forest park.

It was a nice day, and all sorts of flowers are growing now, so Shawna and I figured we’d go get some pictures of the bluebonnets we’d heard about. They smelled good.

I tried someĀ artsy photos.

I also tried someĀ silly ones.

But for this week’s “Official Photo,” a plain ole portrait worked. I used the fill flash on that one, but I’m not sure it showed. It was glaringly bright, so there were going to be shadows no matter what. Still, not many ways to mess up a picture of a girl sitting in some flowers.

Week 2 – Flowers

Shawna matches.

Shawna's new umbrella goes with her shirt, which goes for a photo.

For my first photo that I actually took in 2012, an image of Shawna. I wish that I would have exposed it better (I had to fix a lot in RAW, and the glasses reflections kill me) but I liked the fact that her shirt was as flowery as her newly-gotten umbrella (parasol?).

I was planning to shoot some fun restaurants in downtown Houston this week, but perhaps they will show up on this blog at another point.