I was going to use a picture I took at a church Christmas event, but this image seems even more so in the spirit of Christmas: serving others with a great meal.
Tag Archives: food
Week 31 – ‘Murcah
In order to celebrate the Olympics, me and friends got together and had a little American hooplah. This included many American or American-themed foods, as long as you forget that many other countries also share the red-white-and-blue color scheme. Watermelon isn’t even apparently a specifically American food, but it feels like it. And a tower of watermelon? Well, there you go.
Week 16 – Blue, Like Jazz
I went to see Blue Like Jazz on Friday, so I felt like getting some cool, Van Gogh-esque shot of stars and lights and sky. That more or less failed.
However, I did get this shot of The Goose’s Acre that I enjoy enough. And a pub seems to go along with my hoped-for Blue Like Jazz theme.
Week 7 – Cookin’ Love
Shawna made some Valentines cookies this weekend. They were fun to make, but more fun to eat.
I enjoyed looking up how to write down “love” in every language, and then trying to copy the foreign symbols into icing writing. Not the easiest thing in the world, but cool enough to try. If you want to see a better image so you can read all the neat words, click here. See what languages you can identify!