Tag Archives: luke

Week 40 – Procrastination

Luke's hamster tries to escape.

You could say that this is some introspective photograph wherein the hamster represents humanity, struggling to escape some sort of cage which provides all that it needs, yet still restrains.

Or you could say that I didn’t take this picture until just under the wire, and it’s the product of my procrastination. One of the two.

Week 38 – Going for Grass

Luke tosses his bocce ball while his dad and brother look on.

This week I was presented with the chance to shoot sports, which is something I heartily enjoy doing. It just happened that the sports happened to be a game of bocce ball played by my family in the backyard. I was still able to get a sense of action in the ball and Luke’s hand, which is something I was aiming for, so that’s nice– mission accomplished on that front!

I have no recollection of the result of this throw.

Week 9 – Past Times

My brother Luke plays some Mario Kart. He is better at it than me now. This hurts to write.

My family has just returned to Texas from Alaska (a long way!) and so it certainly seemed fitting to celebrate that with an image of one of my best subjects: Luke. This picture itself isn’t too interesting (cool LED light on Luke’s face, nice framing of the stuffed salmon!) which I might want to blame on the fact that I now have a gimped camera, but I just really put it off to the last minute. But the blog-like spirit this photo holds (return of the Joneses) is nice enough that I’m happy, if not ecstatic, with it.