Tag Archives: natural light

Week 17 – Good Weather = Good Times

Stephen jumps and grabs a frisbee between his legs while playing ultimate.

I played ultimate on Saturday and only took a few pictures, so I didn’t get anything spectacular. I think this one is funny, though.

I’m not sure if this photo is posed or not. I took two like this– one, Stephen posed, then another, it actually happened. I’ll just be blissful in my ignorance on this one.

Week 16 – Blue, Like Jazz

The Goose's Acre casts a glow out onto The Waterway in The Woodlands.

I went to see Blue Like Jazz on Friday, so I felt like getting some cool, Van Gogh-esque shot of stars and lights and sky. That more or less failed.

However, I did get this shot of The Goose’s Acre that I enjoy enough. And a pub seems to go along with my hoped-for Blue Like Jazz theme.

Week 15 – All Things Made New

Children gather around a lamb held by one of the members of Crossroads Baptist Church on Good Friday.

This picture basically looks like something you’d see on the wall of a Sunday School classroom. That’s what I was going for, so… success!

Crossroads had a big focus on Jesus being the lamb on Good Friday, so they brought in some animals and suburban kids got to see what they’re really like.

Week 6 – Low Light

Colin talks to Stephen at Sweet Eugene's, a coffee shop in College Station, TX.

The coffee shop where I took this photo was very dark, which was ok, because I happened to be carrying around my 50mm 1.8 lens. I shot Colin a couple times before I decided to edge Stephen’s profile into the frame, and I like how it turned out. Maybe other people don’t. But I feel this is one of the more interesting and well-composed shots I’ve done so far this year.