Tag Archives: teacher

Week 34 – Ready for Blast-off

Shawna will be an awesome first-year teacher of either first grade or kindergarten at Deretchin in a week.

Shawna is all ready to go and be a real grown-up with her teaching job! At this point, we’re still not 100% sure which grade she’ll be teaching, but no matter which one, I’m sure she’ll do fantastic. I’d like to watch her teach kids in the classroom, but we’re pretty sure that’s illegal or something. In any case, you can see the theme– the world and exploration!

I threw together a weird setup for this photo. I had the flash on-camera (my off-camera trigger is broken) and I pointed at the ceiling, but put a big piece of cardboard in between Shawna and the flash so no light would hit her directly from it. I’m not sure if it really had any effect.